SSL Certificates

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer - commonly used on all e-commerce sites and pages that require users to submit personal or credit card information. Although SSL was replaced by an updated protocol called TLS (Transport Layer Security) some time ago, SSL is still a commonly used term for this technology.

An SSL certificate is necessary to create SSL connection. Information about the identity of your website and your company is required as and when you choose to activate SSL on your web server. Once activated, two cryptographic keys are created - a Private Key and a Public Key.

SSL Certificates

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer – it is a standard security protocol for establishing encrypted links between a web server and a browser in any online communication.

The usage of SSL ensures that all data transmitted between the web server and browser remains encrypted.

An SSL certificate is necessary to create SSL connection. Information about the identity of your website and your company is required as and when you choose to activate SSL on your web server. Once activated – two cryptographic keys are created – a Private Key and a Public Key.

OV SSL Certificates

What Is An SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate is a type of digital certificate that provides authentication for a website and enables an encrypted connection. These certificates communicate to the client that the web service host demonstrated ownership of the domain to the certificate authority – CA at the time of certificate issuance.

This authentication process is much like sealing a letter in an envelope before sending it through the mail.

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer is commonly used on e-commerce websites and pages that require users to submit personal or credit card information. Although SSL was replaced by an updated protocol called TLS –Transport Layer Security some time ago, SSL is still a commonly used term for this technology.

By ensuring that all data passed between the two parties remains private and secure SSL encryption can help prevent hackers from stealing private information such as credit card numbers, bank information, names and addresses.

SSL certificates create trust with users by verifying that the websites used to track finances and make online purchases are safe, secure, protected and legitimate.

SSL Certificates 8

How does SSL / TLS work?

These are the essential principles for understanding how SSL/TLS works:

✅  Secure communication begins with a TLS handshake – in which the two communicating parties open a secure connection and exchange the public key.

✅  During the TLS handshake – the two parties generate session keys and the session keys encrypt and decrypt all communications after the TLS handshake.

✅  Different session keys are used to encrypt communications for each new session.

✅  TLS ensures that the party on the server side or the website – is the actual user who is interacting and is the real person with whom they claim to be.

✅  TLS also ensures that data has not been altered or modified since a Message Authentication Code – MAC is included with transmissions.

With TLS – both HTTPS data that users send to a website and the HTTPS data that websites send to users is encrypted. Encrypted data has to be decrypted by the recipient using a key.

Why do you need an SSL certificate?

An SSL certificate ensures that the provider is who they claim to be and also indicates secure connections between personal devices and websites.

Understanding SSL certificates is important for website trust and to help protect customers from becoming a victim to scammers. It is smart to keep in mind that not all websites or SSL certificates are created equal.

An SSL certificate helps secure information such as:

✅  Login credentials.

✅  Credit card transactions or bank account information.

✅  Personally identifiable information — such as full name, address, date of birth or telephone number.

✅  Proprietary information.

✅  Legal documents and contracts.

✅  Medical records.

SSL Certificates 12

The Benefits Of SSL Certificate:

✅  Eliminates risk of phishing and other cyber-attacks.

✅  Secure communication between browser and server.

✅  Boosts up website traffic and helps generate more business.

✅  Allows users to make transactions without any risk of data theft.

✅  Builds trust in the mind of the customers and improves their confidence.

✅  Eliminates browser warning and alerts.

✅  Protects user’s sensitive information.

✅ Increases Organisation’s reputation on the Internet.

✅ Ranking benefits given by Google to SSL enabled websites.

Who Issues SSL Certificates?

The Certificate Authority or Certification Authority – CA is the governing body who issues the SSL Certificates digitally.

Website owners purchase SSL certificates through Certification Authorities or Trusted Third Party – TTP who have been approved by CA. CAs and / or TTPs are trusted entities that manage and issue security certificates and public keys that are used for communication in a public network who will authenticate both ends of the transaction.

An SSL certificate binds together a domain name, hostname and server name along with the organisation’s identity and location.

Wildcard SSL Certificates

What Is a Certificate Issuing Authority?

In cryptography – a certificate authority or certification authority (CA) or Trusted Third Party (TTP) who have been approved by CA are entities that issues digital certificates. A digital certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate.

This allows other relying parties – to rely upon signatures or on assertions made about the private key that corresponds to the certified public key.

A CA acts as a trusted third party – TTPtrusted both by the subject (owner) of the certificate and by the party relying upon the certificate.

One common use for certificate authorities is to sign certificates used in HTTPS – the secure browsing protocol for the World Wide Web – www.

Another common use is in issuing identity cards by national governments for use in electronically signing documents.

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different types of SSL / TLS certificates

Website owners purchase SSL certificates through Certification Authorities – CA or Trusted Third Party – TTP who have been approved by the CA. These CAs or TTPs are trusted entities that manage and issue security certificates and public keys that are used for communication in a public network.

There are many different types of SSL certificates based on the number of domain names or subdomains owned such as:

Single Domain SSL Certificates

This secures a single domain (both www and non-www variations) encrypting all communication exchanged between your server and your visitors.

Multi-Domain SSL Certificates

Easily secure multiple domains, sub-domains, external IP addresses and other environments on a single certificate throughout its entire lifecycle.

Wildcard SSL Certificates

Wildcard SSL certificates do it all at once for one domain name and unlimited number of sub-domains.

and the level of validation needed such as:

Domain Validation - DV SSL Certificates

Domain Validated are the most basic SSL certificates with the lowest level of assurance. They are usually issued within minutes and you only need to verify that you own the domain.

DV Certificates are suitable for individual bloggers and website owners who do not rely on interaction from consumers. Consumers do not have to enter any personal details in your website either for payments or logging in.

This level is the least expensive and covers basic encryption and verification of the ownership of the domain name registration. This type of certificate usually takes a few minutes to several hours to receive.

Organisation Validation - OV SSL Certificates

OV Certificates are perfect for business owners who do not need their customers or viewers to enter sensitive payment details into their website. It is also suitable for businesses that want to maintain tight control over who is allowed to issue certificates on their site.

In addition to basic encryption and verification of ownership of the domain name registration, certain details of the business name and address are authenticated. This type of certificate usually takes a few hours to several days to receive.

Extended Validation - EV SSL Certificates

Extended Validated certificates provide the highest level of trust and assurance. Consumers and viewers inherently trust this more because they know just who they are dealing with. 

EV certificates are perfect for E-Commerce platform website owners. Your customers are far more likely to provide their payment or address details if you have the green padlock sign in your browser. 67.9% more individuals feel safe conducting business with a site using an EV certificate as represented by the green browser and company name

In addition to ownership of the domain name registration and entity authentication, the legal, physical and operational existence of the entity is verified. This type of certificate usually takes a few days to several weeks to receive.

SSL Certificates 10
5 stars

Ease of use

5 stars

Customer Service

5 stars

Security & Reliability

4.75 stars

Overall Rating

What kind of SSL / TLS certificate do I need for my website?

Here Are 3 Exclusive Certificate Just For You


If you simply want to provide a secure connection and verify your domain is genuine - we recommend the BASIC plan. You will be up and running within minutes.


Businesses who want to show their customers and visitors their authentic organisation – we recommend ENHANCED plan. CA or TTP will vet and validate your BUSINESS within 3 business days.


Used by high turnover online sales businesses. CA or TTP will vet your company extensively. Visitors will see your business name in the padlock section of your URL – reassuring safety, security and trustworthiness.

All our packages are issued by Certification Authority – CA or Trusted Third Party – TTP who have been approved by CA.
We only use Highly Reputable Marketplace Brands who are authorised by Certification Authority for all of our SSL Certificates.

Compare SSL Certificates

Yearly / Annually
Yearly / Annually
Yearly / Annually
HTTPS In Browser Address Bar
Dynamic Site Seal
Verified Company Name In Certificate Details + Dynamic Siate Seal
Basic Business Vetting
Full Business Vetting
Business Name Displayed Next To URL
SSL Certificates 13

How To Get An SSL Certificate?

STEP 1:  To provide the best security – SSL certificates require your website to have its own dedicated IP address. …

STEP 2:  Choose your Certificate – BASIC, ENHANCED or COMPLETE

STEP 3:  Activate your certificate.

STEP 4:  Install your certificate.

STEP 5:  Update your site to use HTTPS://.

SSL Certificate Validation Process

Trusted By

There are 1,132,268,801 websites in the World as of January 2023.

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Best-Digital Marketing SSL Certificate Features

SSL certificates allow your website to secure its communication. They can also verify your identity to users. It all depends on what you need.

Here are some of the key features associated with our SSL certificates.

Encryption Level

It would take supercomputer thousands of years to crack SSL encryption. All TTP / CA SSL certificates are armed with 256-bit symmetric encryption.


The right SSL certificate can help ease all of those administrative burdens by simplifying the entire management process from validation to installation.


Allowing TTP or CA to authenticate your business is a great way to build trust by providing your visitors with verified information about your company.

Site Seals

All TTP and CA Secure Seal are recognisable logos on the internet and will look great on your checkout page.


SSL certificates facilitate trust by securing communication and providing visitors with verified information about your business.


Most Domain Validation – DV certificates can be issued in just minutes thanks to our fully-automated domain control verification system.


Rest easy – if anything ever goes wrong and you lose money, you are covered. Most TTP and CA provide very generous warranties.


Most TTP / CA SSL certificates are among the most cost-effective security solutions available. Why pay more for the same encryption?

Protect Ad Revenue

Encryption prevents third-party content injection; specifically it prevents ISPs from injecting ads on your website and in turn protecting your ad revenues.

SSL Certificates 11

SSL Certificate For Any Business Of Any Size.

Best SSL Certificate Prices


£ 97.68

Yearly / Annually

100 percent satisfaction guarantee

Validation – DOMAIN

Domain Security 

Warranty – $500K

Encryption – Up To 256 BIT

Signature Key – 2048 BIT

Set Up Time – MINUTES

✅ Secure Seal

Customer Support

Mobile Friendly

Email Support


£ 234.81

Yearly / Annually

100 percent satisfaction guarantee


Domain Security 

Warranty – $750K

Encryption – Up To 256 BIT

Signature Key – 2048 BIT

Set Up Time – Up To 3 Working Days

✅ Secure Seal

Customer Support

Mobile Friendly

Email Support


£ 496.54

Yearly / Annually

100 percent satisfaction guarantee


Domain Security 

Warranty – $1.5 Million

Encryption – Up To 256 BIT

Signature Key – 2048 BIT

Set Up Time – Up To 5 Working Days

✅ Secure Seal

Customer Support

Mobile Friendly

Email Support

We accept all major Debit and Credit cards, Paypal payments, Stripe and Bank Transfers.

Secured SSL Privacy Trust Badge 2

All payments made are 100% Safe, Secure and Protected.

Package Details

The is for SSL Certificates – Basic – DV SSL, Enhanced – OV SSL and Complete – EV SSL for online business solutions.

Price -

£97.68 to £496.54

Term -

Yearly / Annually

Completion Time -

Minutes to 5 Business Days

Your Website Is Now Safe, Secure. Protected and Trusted.

Customers coming to your website now will see that your website is safe, secure, protected and trustworthy. It will have a greater impact on your business – knowing that your customers’ safety is a priority. This will lead to more sales, revenue, enquiries and leads going forward whilst boosting your SEO website ranking on Google.

You can install an SSL certificate on your website after choosing the correct package from Best-Digital Marketing.

Safe -Secure - Protect - Trust 3

When choosing from our  Website Design Packages such as from our WordPress Website PackagesE-Commerce Packages, Custom Builder Packages, Business Start Up Packages or Small Business Packages– All the websites comes with a FREE BASIC SSL as part of the package.

You can also add an SSL certificate to any of our Web Hosting Packages.

Please Contact Us to enquire MORE about purchasing a Multi Domain Certificate or Wildcard SSL Certificate for the best deals available.

We can expedite the validation process

Do you need your certificate FAST? We can help. Just contact us via email or call us. We will get to work speeding up your order.

Need help installing?

We would be glad to help you install your SSL certificate. For just £67 one of our well-trained SSL experts will work on your behalf to install your certificate and configure your server.

We have done thousands of these installations and it is really not a problem.

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OV SSL Certificates

Which SSL Certificate Do You Need? DV SSL, OV SSL, EV SLL, Wildcard SSL or Multi Domain SSL?