Multi Domain SSL Certificates
A Multi Domain SSL Certificate gives you complete versatility - it streamlines management. Easily secure multiple domains, sub-domains, external IP addresses and other environments on a single certificate throughout its entire lifecycle.
Mult Domain SSL certificates ease administrative burdens by simplifying certificate management. They also streamline installation, save you money and the biggest benefit is convenience.
Multi Domain SSL Certificates
A Multi Domain SSL Certificate gives you complete versatility – it streamlines management. Easily secure multiple domains, sub-domains, external IP addresses and other environments on a single certificate throughout its entire lifecycle.
Buying a multi domain SSL certificate is much more affordable than buying multiple SSL certificates. This effectively streamlines the management of your certificates by syncing up certificate expiration dates and reducing installations.

What is Multi Domain SSL?
In simple terms – it is certificate management made simple. Whether your web presence consists of just a couple of domains and sub-domains or managing a massive infrastructure then certificate management can be a huge pain.
Multi Domain SSL certificates help alleviate this burden by giving you the flexibility to secure multiple domains, sub-domains, external IPs and server environments simultaneously with just a single certificate throughout its lifespan.
You can secure up to 250 different domains or IPs on a single certificate which is easy.
Secure 250 separate domains, IPs or SANs with one certificate

How does Multi-Domain SSL work?
When you generate your Certificate Signing Request – CSR you list each additional IP in the Subject Alternative Name – SAN field.
Here is where you can fill out up to 250 SANs. That is the most in the industry – by far. You can do this at any time during the certificate’s lifecycle and you will just need to reissue.
Subject Alternative Names – SANs
The SAN field functionality gives you the flexibility to secure your entire web presence at once. Subject Alternative Names are usually bundled with a Multi Domain certificate purchase.
Additional SANs can be purchased separately as and when needed. Best of all – over the lifespan of the certificate you can add, change or remove SANs so the certificate can grow with your business.
A Multi Domain SSL certificate can secure:
Extended Validation Multi Domain SSL?
Yes indeed! A marriage between maximum assurance and absolute versatility.
Maximum Assurance
EV SSL provides maximum assurance by giving your customers verified proof of identity by displaying your verified company name in all major web browsers either on the address bar or in the certificate info display.
Absolute Versatility
No matter what you need to secure – an EV Multi Domain SSL certificate can handle it – up to 250 unique IPs. The most in the entire SSL industry.
Enhance Brand
Unify your brand presence by displaying your company’s name across your entire web presence.
Multi-Domain SSL Certificates Use Cases
No matter what you need to secure Multi Domain SSL can secure it for you.
✅ Unified Communications
✅ Fully Qualified Domain Names – FQDN
✅ Multi-Level Sub-Domains
✅ Public-Facing IP Addresses

Run Multiple Services
Run multiple services on one IP address and use a Multi Domain SSL certificate to secure them all.
✅ Outlook Anywhere
✅ Auto Discovery
✅ Active Sync

<< Used And Trusted By >>

One SSL Certificate – to Secure All Of Them
Securing you entire web presence does not have to be a challenge. Let us guide you through the process and get you started on the path towards encryption.

Ease of use

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Security & Reliability

Overall Rating
Save Time And Money with Multi Domain SSL Certificates
Multi Domain SSL Certificate features:
✅ Save time and money by managing fewer SSL certificates.
✅ Multi domain SSL certificates allow securing standard SANs.
✅ Wildcard multi domain SSL certificates allow securing both standard and wildcard SANs.
✅ Improve your search engine rankings.
✅ Show your users that their safety is your top priority.
✅ Boost your online reputation and customer confidence.
✅ Supports up to 256-bit symmetric encryption.
✅ Supports 2048-bit private key encryption.
✅ Compatible with all major operating systems and browsers.
✅ You can add or remove SANs after issuance.
Affordable Encryption for Everyone
If you are a business then you probably need a more assuring Organisation Validation or Extended Validation SSL certificate. But what if you are not a business? You just need basic encryption to get browser compliant and an affordable encryption certificate.
We have amazing exclusive affordable Multi Domain Validation SSL certificates that provide you with no-frills website encryption at a price you can agree with. We can even install it for you if you want.

Trusted By
There are 1,132,268,801 websites in the World as of January 2023.

The Multi Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate
Another variation of a multi-domain SSL certificate is multi domain wildcard SSL certificates. These certificates add another layer to the multi domain SSL certificate – they allow you to secure multiple domains and an unlimited number of subdomains as well.
This option takes the multi domain concept to new levels and it can be a major time and money saver.

Multi Domain SSL Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions by potential clients.
If you have any queries please contact us and we will be happy to respond to them.
Multi-Domain SSL certificates ease administrative burdens by simplifying certificate management.
They also streamline installation, save you money and the biggest benefit is convenience.
A Wildcard SSL certificate can only secure one domain and an unlimited number of accompanying subdomains.
A Multi-Domain certificate can secure up to 250 different domains, sub-domains and IPs at once.
Multi Domain Wildcards are the true jack-of-all-trades SSL certificates. It can secure up to 250 different domains and an unlimited number of accompanying sub-domains.
Multi Domain Wildcard certificates use a special kind of SAN called a Wildcard SAN.
Originally UCC’s were designed to work specifically on MS Exchange and Office Communications servers.
Nowadays Multi-Domain certificates work on those environments as well therefore not much difference.
Your Website Is Now Safe – Secure – Protected and Trusted.
Customers coming to your website now will see that your website is safe, secure, protected and trustworthy. It will have a greater impact on your business – knowing that your customers’ safety is a priority. This will lead to more sales, revenue, enquiries and leads going forward whilst boosting your SEO website ranking on Google.
You can install an SSL certificate on your website after choosing the correct package from Best-Digital Marketing.

When choosing from our Website Design Packages such as from our WordPress Website Packages, E-Commerce Packages, Custom Builder Packages, Business Start Up Packages or Small Business Packages– All the websites comes with a FREE BASIC SSL as part of the package.
You can also add an SSL certificate to any of our Web Hosting Packages.
Please Contact Us to enquire MORE about purchasing a Multi Domain Certificate or Wildcard SSL Certificate for the best deals available.
We can expedite the validation process
Do you need your certificate FAST? We can help. Just contact us via email or call us. We will get to work speeding up your order.
Need help installing?
We would be glad to help you install your SSL certificate. For just £67 one of our well-trained SSL experts will work on your behalf to install your certificate and configure your server.
We have done thousands of these installations and it is really not a problem.

Are you ready to get started?

Get Your Exclusive Multi Domain SSL Certificate Today!!