Coronavirus - What should I do

Coronavirus information: What should I do?

We at Best-Digital Marketing as an agency would like to make everyone aware of the Corona Virus – COVID- 19 and how severe it is. This is about What should you do?.

We need to take action on how to control, reduce and elimate this  contagious virus which is affecting the citizens of the world on a daily basis.

We are creating an awareness to everyone out there to read, understand and take steps how to be safe and stay safe.

Please take time to read, understand and implement the measures to be safe and stay safe.


Coronavirus information: What should I do?

Corona - what should i do

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced new rules people have to follow to help tackle the coronavirus emergency.

How can I help to slow the spread of the virus?

Corona Virus - Stay At Home
Corona Virus - Leave home for essentials only
Corona - Only travel if absolutely necessary
Corona Virus - Public gathering banned
Corona - Social Distancing
Corona Virus - Do not visit othersCorona Virus - Do not visit others
Corona Virus - Police can fine anyone now
Corona Virus - Keep in touch via phones
Corona Virus - If unwell - isolate yourself

How can I try to stay well?

Corona Virus - Wash hands for at least 20 seconds

Further Reading: Coronavirus – What is Social Distancing and Self-Isolation

Coronavirus: Watch how germs spread

Coronavirus has been seen in more than 30 countries. The virus can spread from person to person and officials recommend simple steps to avoid becoming infected.

Dr Adele McCormick from the University of Westminster demonstrated how germs spread and what the best methods are to avoid catching a virus.

Corona Virus - Use a Tissue

Further Reading: Coronavirus – Advice For The Public

Corona Virus - Use your elbow
Corona Virus - Avoid touching face, nose and mouth

What are the symptoms - and what should I do if I feel unwell?

Corona Virus - Continous cough, fever
Corona Virus - Stay 3 feet away whilst in house
Corona Virus - After 7 days - see doctor
Corona Virus - Call NHS 111
Corona Virus - Testing Virus at hospital

Further Reading: Corona Virus – COVID-19

Corona - Be Safe Stay Save - Stay At Home - Save Lives

Ending self-isolation and household-isolation


If you have been symptomatic, then you may end your self-isolation after 7 days. The 7-day period starts from the day when you first became ill

Household isolation

If living with others, then all household members who remain well may end household-isolation after 14 days.

The 14-day period starts from the day illness began in the first person to become ill. Fourteen days is the incubation period for coronavirus; people who remain well after 14 days are unlikely to be infectious.

After 7 days, if the first person to become ill feels better and no longer has a high temperature, they can return to their normal routine.

If any other family members become unwell during the 14-day household-isolation period, they should follow the same advice – that is, after 7 days of their symptoms starting, if they feel better and no longer have a high temperature, they can also return to their normal routine.

Should a household member develop coronavirus symptoms late in the 14-day household-isolation period (for example, on day 13 or day 14) the isolation period does not need to be extended, but the person with the new symptoms has to stay at home for 7 days.

The 14-day household-isolation period will have greatly reduced the overall amount of infection the rest of the household could pass on, and it is not necessary to restart 14 days of isolation for the whole household.

This will have provided a high level of community protection. Further isolation of members of this household will provide very little additional community protection.

At the end of the 14-day period, any family member who has not become unwell can leave household isolation.

Corona - Protective Personal Equipment - PPE

If any ill person in the household has not had any signs of improvement and have not already sought medical advice, they should contact NHS 111 online. If your home has no internet access, you should call NHS 111.

The cough may persist for several weeks in some people, despite the coronavirus infection having cleared.

A persistent cough alone does not mean someone must continue to self-isolate for more than 7 days.

Cleaning and disposal of waste

When cleaning you should use your usual household products, like detergents and bleach, as these will be very effective at getting rid of the virus on surfaces.

Clean frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, handrails, remote controls and table tops. This is particularly important if you have an older or vulnerable person in the house.

Personal waste (such as used tissues) and disposable cleaning cloths can be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags. These bags should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste.

This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin.

Other household waste can be disposed of as normal.


To minimise the possibility of dispersing virus through the air, do not shake dirty laundry.

Wash items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. All dirty laundry can be washed in the same load.

If you do not have a washing machine, wait a further 72 hours after your 7-day (for individual isolation) or 14-day isolation period (for households) has ended when you can then take the laundry to a public launderette.

Further Reading: Coronavirus – Advice For The Public

What you can do to help yourself get better

Drink water to keep yourself hydrated; you should drink enough during the day so your urine (pee) is a pale clear colour.

You can use over-the-counter medications, such as paracetamol, to help with some of your symptoms.

Use these according to the instructions on the packet or label and do not exceed the recommended dose.

Wash your hands often

Clean your hands frequently each day by washing with soap and water for 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser.

This will help protect you and the people you live with. This step is one of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of passing infection to others.

Cover your coughs and sneezes

Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze. If you do not have one to hand, sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not into your hand.

If you have a carer, they should use disposable tissues to wipe away any mucus or phlegm after you have sneezed or coughed. Then they should wash their hands with soap and water.

Dispose of tissues into a disposable rubbish bag and immediately wash your hands with soap and water or use a hand sanitiser.


We do not recommend the use of facemasks as an effective means of preventing the spread of infection.

Facemasks play an important role in clinical settings, such as hospitals, but there’s very little evidence of benefit from their use outside of these settings.

Do not have visitors in your home

Do not invite or allow social visitors, such as other friends and family, to enter your home.

If you want to speak to someone who is not a member of your household, use the phone or social media.

If you or a family member receive essential care in your home, then carers should continue to visit.

Carers will be provided with facemasks and gloves to reduce the risk of you passing on the infection.

If you have a vulnerable person living with you

Minimise as much as possible the time any vulnerable family members spend in shared spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and sitting areas, and keep shared spaces well ventilated.

Aim to keep 2 metres (6 feet) away from vulnerable people you live with and encourage them to sleep in a different bed where possible.

If they can, they should use a separate bathroom from the rest of the household. Make sure they use separate towels from the other people in your house, both for drying themselves after bathing or showering and for hand-hygiene purposes.

If you do share a toilet and bathroom with a vulnerable person, it is important that you clean them every time you use them (for example, wiping surfaces you have come into contact with).

Another tip is to consider drawing up a rota for bathing, with the vulnerable person using the facilities first.

If you share a kitchen with a vulnerable person, avoid using it while they are present. If they can, they should take their meals back to their room to eat.

If you have one, use a dishwasher to clean and dry the family’s used crockery and cutlery. If this is not possible, wash them using your usual washing up liquid and warm water and dry them thoroughly.

If the vulnerable person is using their own utensils, remember to use a separate tea towel for drying these.

We understand that it will be difficult for some people to separate themselves from others at home.

You should do your very best to follow this guidance and everyone in your household should regularly wash their hands, avoid touching their face, and clean frequently touched surfaces.

Further Reading: Coronavirus – What is Social Distancing and Self-Isolation

So for the sake of humanity- please stay home - indoors - stay safe and be safe.

do it for yourself, your loved ones, families and friends.

Corona - Be Safe Stay Save - Stay At Home - Save Lives

and most of all for planet earth - to recover, repair and provide for our future existence. god bless all

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