Corona Virus - Self Distancing

Coronavirus: What are social distancing and self-isolation?

We at Best-Digital Marketing as an agency would like to make everyone aware of the Corona Virus – COVID- 19 and how severe it is. This is about What is social distancing and self isolation.

We need to take action on how to control, reduce and elimate this  contagious virus which is affecting the citizens of the world on a daily basis.

We are creating an awareness to everyone out there to read, understand and take steps how to be safe and stay safe.

Please take time to read, understand and implement the measures to be safe and stay safe.


Coronavirus: What are social distancing and self-isolation?

Strict rules have been placed on people’s personal movement to limit the spread of coronavirus. Rules for those showing symptoms were already in place, as well as measures to protect the most vulnerable.

Under the restrictions, everybody must stay at home and only leave for these reasons:

  • to exercise once a day – either alone, or with members of your household
  • shopping for basic necessities, although this should be done as little as possible
  • medical need, or to provide care for a vulnerable person
  • travel to or from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary

If you have to go outside you must stay more than 2m (6ft) apart from others. This is what’s known as social distancing.

Shops selling non-essential items are closed, along with cafes, pubs, restaurants, nightclubs and other places where people meet in groups. Gatherings of more than two people not from the same household are banned.

The restrictions were introduced on 23 March, initially for three weeks.

What are the rules on exercise?

“People can go for the standard length of run or walk that they ordinarily would have done. But… the important thing is, once a day,” cabinet minister Michael Gove has said.

But the new rules will mean changes to the way people keep fit:

  • Maintain a social distance of more than 2m (6ft) from other people wherever you go
  • “Stay local” and use open spaces near home for exercise, where possible
  • Rules on social distancing and gatherings rule out many team sports
  • No mention is given to how long you can exercise for
Corona - 2 meter distancing

Outdoor social distancing

Some outdoor spaces, including playgrounds, outdoor gyms and some parks are closed. For example, Hammersmith and Fulham Council in London have shut all their parks, while Victoria Park in east London was closed this week because of “the failure of some visitors to follow social distancing guidance”.

Corona Virus - How to Slow spread of virus

If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.

Corona - Social Distancing

Why is social distancing necessary?

Social distancing is important because coronavirus spreads when an infected person coughs small droplets – packed with the virus – into the air.

These can be breathed in, or can cause an infection if you touch a surface they have landed on, and then touch your face with unwashed hands.

Corona Virus - What you need to do

What is self-isolation?

If you show symptoms of coronavirus – such as a dry cough and high temperature – you must take extra precautions.

You should stay at home and if possible, not leave it for any reason, other than to exercise (staying a safe distance from others).

Corona Virus - What do you need to do

This is known as self-isolation.

If possible, you should not go out even to buy food or other essentials. If you are unable to get supplies delivered, you should do what you can to limit social contact when you do leave the house.

Who should self-isolate?

Everyone who shows coronavirus symptoms – a fever of above 37.8C, a persistent cough or breathing problems – and everyone who lives in the same house or flat as someone with symptoms.

  • If you live alone, you must stay at home for seven days from the day symptoms start
  • If you, or someone you live with, develop symptoms, the entire household needs to isolate for 14 days to monitor for signs of Covid-19
  • If someone else does become ill during that period, their seven-day isolation starts that day. For example, it might run from day three to day 10 – when that person’s isolation would then end. It would not restart if another member of the household fell ill
  • But anyone who fell ill on day 13 would have to start a separate seven-day isolation from that day (meaning they would spend a total of 20 days at home)
Coron Virus - What happen if someone in your family gets sick

The person with the symptoms should stay in a well-ventilated room with a window that can be opened, and keep away from other people in the home.

People are being advised not to ring NHS 111 or their GP to report their symptoms unless they are worried.

Who shouldn't go out at all?

About 1.5 million people with very serious health conditions are being contacted by the NHS and urged not go out at all for at least 12 weeks.

This is what’s known as shielding.

The most vulnerable group includes:

  • Certain types of cancer patients
  • Organ transplant patients
  • People with certain genetic diseases
  • People with serious respiratory conditions such as cystic fibrosis and severe chronic bronchitis
  • People receiving certain drug treatments which suppress the immune system
  • Pregnant women with heart disease

The government says it will work with local authorities, supermarkets and the armed forces to ensure they get supplies of essential food and medicines.

Others in the same household, and carers, can go out as long they observe proper social distancing.

When are people allowed to leave their homes?

Mr Johnson said everybody should stay at home and would only be allowed to leave for specific reasons:

  • Shopping for “basic necessities”, as infrequently as possible. People should use delivery services, where they can
  • Medical reasons, to provide care, or to help a vulnerable person
  • Travelling to and from work, but only if it is “absolutely necessary”

People should not meet friends or family members who do not live with them.

Corona - Be Safe Stay Save - Stay At Home - Save Lives

What other new measures are there?

The prime minister said:

  • Shops selling “non-essential goods” including clothes and electronics stores will be closed immediately
  • Libraries, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and places of worship will also close
  • Gatherings of more than two people (excluding people who live together) will be banned
  • There will be no weddings or baptisms but funerals will be allowed
  • Parks will remain open but people are only to go out to exercise once a day

All of the new measures will last for three weeks from 23 March before being reviewed.

Corona - Good Food Safety

Further Reading: Corona Virus – COVID-19

Coronavirus: What is shielding?

More than a million people most at risk of needing hospital treatment if they catch coronavirus are being asked to stay at home for at least 12 weeks.

This “shielding” is to protect lives.

Why do it?

Cases of coronavirus are increasing rapidly in the UK, which suggests it is circulating in the community and spreading from person to person.

While everyone is being advised to keep their distance from other people to help stop the spread, some people with underlying health conditions need to take even more precautions to protect themselves.

Who should do it?

Those most at risk include:

  • Solid organ transplant recipients
  • Some people with cancer who are undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • People on immunosuppression drugs
  • Women who are pregnant and have heart disease
  • People with severe respiratory conditions – cystic fibrosis, severe asthma and COPD
  • Some people with rare diseases such as severe combined immunodeficiency

Anyone in this highest risk category who has not received a letter from the NHS by Sunday 29 March 2020 or been contacted by their doctor should get in touch with their GP or hospital doctor by phone or online.

This does not include all elderly people, although they are strongly advised to practice social distancing and only go out if really necessary.

Corona - Protective Personal Equipment - PPE

This is what happens when you do not stay at home and do not follow as advised!!!

THIS IS A  WARNING.  The next few pictures may be disturing to certain “adults” and or “children”.

“Viewing the following pictures are at your personal diecretion – Strict Reality Discretion Advised” refers to “adult” content that is unsuitable for children, and for some adults as well.

It means that adults should make a conscious decision whether or not to view them, and be VERY careful about letting children see it.

These shots are from Itlay – where Corona Virus is spreading like “Wild Fire” and uncontrollable due to “NOT STAYING AT HOME WHEN ASKED TO DO SO”

Death by Corona Virus

Death by Corona Virus

Row of Coffins

Row of Coffins

Do you value your life

Do you value your life

If Not - then say Good Bye

If Not – then say Good Bye

Army convoy called to help with bodies

Army convoy called to help with bodies

Further Reading: Coronavirus – Advice For The Public

Only 1 person at a time

Only 1 person allowed at a time to grief of loved ones.

Army called to move bodies of loved ones

Army called to move bodies of loved ones

Italian Prime Minister at the mercy of the Lord of The Unvers

Italian Prime Minister at the mercy of the Lord of The Universe



So for the sake of humanity- please stay home - indoors - stay safe and be safe.

do it for yourself, your loved ones, families and friends.

Corona - Be Safe Stay Save - Stay At Home - Save Lives

and most of all for planet earth - to recover, repair and provide for our future existence. god bless all

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