21+ Key Benefits of Content Marketing for Businesses

21+ Key Benefits of Content Marketing for Businesses

Why content marketing is necessary for businesses

Eventually by today there is a great chance that you have heard of content marketing strategy for businesses.

This inbound marketing method will help you attract, engage and delight customers and prospects by delivering quality valuable content that provides value for everyone who visits your site.

As with any current marketing craze you may be wondering – does this strategy really have zoom and staying power? The definite answer is: Yes.

Content marketing strategy is one of the most effective, practical and useful digital marketing strategies that your brand can use to reach and engage more quality leads, conversions, sales and customers for your business.

The Content Marketing Cycle

In the following we will cover some of the top benefits of content marketing strategies for businesses.

We will explain how this powerful inbound marketing tactic can help transform the way your organisation reach and engage your target audience.

They are listed in no particular order since all of them are equally important.

How you choose to mix and use them will depend on your organisation’s goals, direction and plans.

1. Content Marketing Drives Conversions.

Surprisingly one of the greatest benefits of content marketing is that it helps your business drive more conversions over time.

According to recent research – businesses that create consistent marketing content experience conversion rates that are nearly 6 times higher than their competitors who do not focus on content marketing.

Content Marketing Drives Conversion

This shows that tough content marketing often requires a significant investment of time, money and resources.

It eventually pays off by leading to more conversions.

2. Valuable Content Brings More Traffic.

Publishing valuable consistent blog posts that are engaging and effective can help you bring more traffic to your site over time.

Content Increases Website Traffic

No way …

According to HubSpot – companies that published more than 16 blog posts per month got almost 3.5 times more traffic than those that only published 4 or less posts.

If you want to improve site traffic, publish quality blog content more often on a more consistent basis.

3. Engaging Brand Awareness with Useful Content.

There are consumers out there who are a perfect fit for your products or services but they have yet to learn about your brand opportunities.

How can I …

Build Brand awareness through Content Marketing

By creating useful content that provides value for your target buyers, you can commence to engage these leads and help build awareness for your brand.

Brand awareness is one of the most important benefits of content marketing for any business.

4. Use Quality Content To Educate Customers.

Your customers and leads have a problem that your brand can solve.

By using content marketing guides – this is a better way to educate them about their challenges and your solutions will provide them with engaging content.

The importance of quality Content

Be sure to develop content topics around your customers’ biggest pain points to help them better understand what steps they need to take to solve their problems.

5. Content Builds Trust With Your Audience.

The more that you educate and provide value for your target audience, the more trust you can build over time.

You start to establish a relationship with customers by educating and informing your target audience about their biggest challenges and pain points through content marketing like blog posts and other types of content.

Content Marketing Buils trust with audience

This process start to work in building trust based on the value that your contents provide.

6. Great Content Forges Stronger Customer Relationship.

Should you want to encourage repeat business and turn customers into brand advocates then it is vital that you nurture your current customer relationships.


Best-Digital Marketing Services - Increase customer relationship

One of the best ways to do this is to continue to provide value for your customers through quality, engaging and valuable content in your marketing.

Whether you keep them updated through email marketing or educate them through your blog you can work to build and foster these relationships.

As you start to create quality content in marketing that provides value for your leads and customers -you begin to build credibility and authority with your target audience.

For example – by writing blog posts about common challenges that your customers face or issues that pertain to your industry helps show site visitors that you really know your stuff.

Content builds awareness, credibility and Authority

This will encourage them to trust your advice and guidance when it comes to products and services that can add value to their lives.

Valuable content will definitely help you leverage all of the benefits of content marketing.

8. Use Quality Content To Position As An Industry Expert.

By using engaging content marketing – you start to build credibility and authority within your customer base.

You can start to position your brand as an industry expert.

Consumers will look to influential leaders in the industry to get relevant information that helps them better understand their needs and challenges.

Content marketing Positions you as Industry Expert

By creating quality content that others find valuable, you can start to position your business as an industry expert or leader that others can look to for guidance and support.

Every customer goes through different stages before they make a final purchase.

Seriously ….

First they need to recognise their challenges then they need to identify and evaluate potential solutions.

Best-Digital Marketing - Customer Life Journey

Finally they will make a purchasing decision based on their research.

By providing the right valuable content that engages the customer during each step of the buyer’s journey can help guide them to making a purchasing decision more quickly.

10. Content Marketing Materials Generate Everlasting Traffic.

Blogs and other forms of information materials are a lot like a gift that keeps on giving especially in content marketing.

According to research – 1 in 10 blogs are compounding which means that these blogs help increase website traffic through organic search over time.

Finer point is that although compounding blog posts only make up 10% of all blog posts they still generate about 38% of all traffic.

Benefits of Content Marketing

The key to creating blog posts that continues to bring organic traffic to your site long after they are published is to focus on topics that will remain relevant to your target audience forever.

This is what we call evergreen content and it can help you get the most out of your blogging efforts via your responsive website.

11. Valuable Content Reduces Your Bounce Rate.

Your business has a short amount of time to engage consumers once they have landed on your site.

Based on a recent Microsoft research, human’s attention span is only less than 10 seconds.

Basically that is shorter compared to a goldfish. So it makes sense for marketers to give all they have in creating compelling content.

Content marketing reduces bounce rates

The more quality, engaging content you can provide on your website the better the chance for customers visiting your site to stick around.

Content marketing helps engage, entertain and educate them so they better understand the value that your brand can provide and further reduce your bounce rate.

12. Content Improves SEO (search engine optimisation) and Online Visibility.

Many consumers turn to the search engines when they are looking for a product or service. 

SEO (Search engine optimisation) is the process of optimising your site to rank higher on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

The more quality content you create the better your SEO.

The more optimised your site is for search engines like Google the more visibility you will have online.

Content improves SEO

For example someone is searching for “What is an air compressor?” on Google and they find a blog you may have written with the same title.

This will help bring this interested person to your site to learn more about their inquiry and also find out more about how your brand can help answer their questions and resolve their challenges.

13. Content Marketing is Cost-Effective.

Content marketing is by far more cost-effective than many traditional outbound marketing methods.

Since content marketing is easier to get started with and more popular with customers who are tired of traditional advertising messages.

Content marketing is cost effective

This strategy can often help reduce the amount of money that marketers need to spend when engaging leads and customers.

According to Content Marketing Institute – content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing even though it generates more than 3 times as many leads.

14. Targeted Content Can Reach Your Niche Audience.

You need to be picky about who you attract to your website when it comes to reaching customers online.

Not every online consumer is interested in your products or services.

writing for your target audience

Content that is created with your target audience in mind helps you better reach those who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Blog posts and other types of content not only help you bring more leads to your site but also ensure that these leads are relevant and qualified to buy.

Creating content around topics that are relevant to your products and services is important to your audience.

This can help your business bring in more targeted and relevant website traffic for your business.

16. Updated Content Helps You Remain Competitive.

Did you know that 53% of marketers say that creating blog content is their top inbound marketing priority?

That is because blog content is so effective at attracting, engaging and delighting your site visitors and customers.

Blogging statistics for content marketing

If you want to remain competitive in the busy online marketplace you will need to make publishing blog content and other content assets like e-books and infographics a priority on a regular and up to date basis.

17. Buyers Pre-assess your Content Before Purchasing.

Another powerful benefit of content marketing is that it allows you to start a conversation with potential customers before actual sales are triggered.

According to Demand Gen Report, 47% of buyers view between 3 and 5 pieces of content before they engage a sales rep.

This just show how important and powerful an impression on your content can make before the customer is actually contacted by a real person.

Consist of compelling content

Make sure that you are making the right first impression by publishing relevant quality content.

This will help leads better understand their greatest challenges and how your business fits into the process of solving them.

18. More Content Means More Touchpoints.

Should you wish to spend less time in engaging your audience then you need to create enticing content for them.

It has been proven to cost less than 62% compared to other standard outbound marketing techniques and it can generate more than 3 times the leads.

The more content you publish on your site and share on social media platforms – the more opportunities you will have to engage with your target audience.

Content marketing costs less than standard outbound marketing

Considering that most customers will visit your site a few times before making a purchase, you want to ensure that you have the chance to engage with them and start a conversation to help guide them down the conversion path.

Content marketing offers you many touchpoints where you can communicate with leads before they make a purchase.

19. Provide Unconditional Value with Content Marketing

Another valuable benefit of content marketing is that it allows you to provide value to your leads and customers with no conditions attached.

Force buying for consumers who are actively buying their products online may seem like it is in the best interest of the company but it can actually impact their ability to attract new customers and build relationships with leads.

Content marketing without conditions

Content marketing allows you to provide value to your customers through informative and interesting content without asking for anything in return.

This increases your chances to engage with consumers who are not yet ready to buy for your business.

20. Content is Shareable

One of the best ways to increase visibility online is to get your current customers, leads and brand advocates to share your business with others.

Content just happens to be very shareable.

Today customers can forward your email marketing messages to a co-worker or share one of your social media posts with their friends and families.

Content is shareable

This can get your content shared is a great way to increase visibility in the marketplace.

21. Make personal connection with Content Marketing.

Sometime it can be difficult to show the human side of your business.

However your content allows you to make a more personal connection with your leads and customers while showcasing your brand voice and character.

Do not be afraid to put a little personality in your blog posts, videos, social media posts or other types of content material which will benefit your business.

22. Increase Engagement with Effective Content Marketing.

Increasing engagement is another major benefit of content marketing.


The best way to start a conversation with your leads and customers is to present them with helpful information on relevant topics that can get them thinking and talking.

Sharing your content on social media is a great way to encourage engagement.

It gets your customers to interact further with your brand and increase awareness of your products and services.

23. Content Marketing Works for Every Business & Industry.

It is true that content marketing is an effective digital marketing strategy for any business in any industry from consumer retail to technology to manufacturing.

Content is for every business & Industry

The key to success is finding the right topics and types of content that best speak to your unique audience in your business and industry.

24. It Helps Secure Unexpected Customers.

By creating and promoting valuable content that speaks to your target audience’s greatest challenges – you may find new customers in unexpected places.

Maintaining an active blog and social media presence helps you introduce your company to people that you may not have realised have a need for your product or service.

25. More Content Generates More Social Media Traffic.

Social media marketing is a powerful way to reach and engage new leads while fostering long-lasting relationships with your current customers.

The more quality content you create the more material you will have to share on your social media channels.

Content generates more on social media platforms - channels

Once consumers start to see how useful and valuable your content really is – they will have no choice but to follow your brand on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and wherever else you may be.


With so many powerful benefits of content marketing it is easy to see why more and more businesses are making moves to develop a content marketing strategy and start producing quality content for their brand.

No matter what industry you are in or what size your company is – you can start using content marketing today to reach and engage your audience.

Content Marketing Experts

Our content marketing experts at Best-Digital Marketing Services are here to help your business to develop and implement effective content marketing to connect and improve conversions.

So contact us now and see how we can work together to create a more effective and efficient content marketing strategy to move forward.

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21+ Key Benefits of Content Marketing for Businesses