Even with our enterprise package you get a range of options to allow for standard flat rate shipping, free shipping when certain amount spent or international shipping with many more options available.

Free shipping - Delivery - Free Returns

Endless shipping options means happy customers

Built in simple setup delivery

As standard all our solutions come with the 4 standard delivery types:

Flat Rate

A standard flat rate delivery charge assigned to all products. Within the flat rates you do have the option to set shipping types such as large or small and assign these to your products.

Free Shipping

Free shipping can be set up when a certain amount is spent by the customer or setup using a coupon and given to certain customers you choose.


Charge additional shipping for international shipping methods and select or deselect which countries you wish to sell too.

Local Pickup

Have the ability for your customers to pick up. Offering this simple pick up option at checkout allows customers to save on delivery charges.

Advanced Delivery Options*

When you need even more flexibility to your shipping options – we have the solution:

advanced delivery option

Advanced Shipping

Extend your flat rate option and international option by allowing any type or number of delivery options based on weight, country and/or type of product.

Multi Delivery Points or pick up

Let customer’s ship items to various different addresses – perfect if you ship products to multiple retailers or if customers wish to send multiple gifts to friends or relatives.

Multi pickups are perfect for retailers with multiple branches. Customers can select which branch; stock can be reserved and set times and dates given for collection.

Multi Drop Off - Multi Pick Up Points

* Please Note: Some modules are included and some are additional modules, please check you package details or speak with a member of our team before purchasing.